
    Gram Panchayat Department –

    • Panchayat Area Expansion Act 1996
    • Maharashtra Gram Panchayat Provision Rules 4 March 2014
    • List of Talukas in Pesa Area of ​​Nashik District
    Sr. No Scheme Name Scheme Nature/Information Terms/Conditions/Eligibility for Participation in the Scheme
    1 Pilgrimage Development Program Under the Pilgrimage Development Program, to provide comfortable facilities to the pilgrims visiting the pilgrimage sites of Class C status in Nashik district

    This includes the construction of devotees’ accommodation, construction of parking lots, construction of female/male toilets, water supply facilities, lamp facilities, construction of protective walls.

    1. Information in the prescribed form
    2. Administrative approval
    3. Technical approval
    4. Budget and plans and maps
    5. Maintenance and repair/Gram Panchayat guarantee and Gram Panchayat resolution
    6. Order of approval of pilgrimage site Class C status of pilgrimage site
    7. 7/12 extract of the site on which construction is to be done or Sample 8 Extract of the site
    8. If the site is owned by an organization/privately, a consent letter of the concerned on a stamp paper of Rs. 100 regarding the transfer of the said site to the Gram Panchayat/Zip Panchayat
    9. Certificate of approval that the work presented is not proposed or approved from another scheme
    10. Site map of the proposed site
    11. The proposal along with the recommendation of the Group Development Officer should be submitted to the Gram Panchayat Department, Zip Panchayat, Nashik.
    2 Special grant to Gram Panchayats under Jan Suvidha Yojana Under Jan Suvidha Yojana

    (a) To arrange cremation/burial grounds in rural areas, to maintain them in good condition and to regulate them, works to be undertaken on cremation grounds are land acquisition for cremation/burial grounds, construction of chutes, access road, laying of fencing and fencing as per requirement, electrification, electric crematorium as per requirement, water facility, memorial garden, cremation ground leveling and flooring

    (b) Gram Panchayat building/office construction. In these, in those villages where there is no Gram Panchayat building, construction of new buildings under the said scheme should be undertaken on priority. Apart from this, the old dilapidated Gram Panchayats Reconstruction or expansion of the building, laying of fencing around the building, planting trees in the premises, improvement of the premises

    1. Administrative approval for each work under this scheme should be taken through the Gram Sabha after the consent of the Gram Sabha.
    2. Technical approval should be taken through the competent officer.
    3. Budget and plans and maps
    4. Maintenance and repair/Gram Panchayat guarantee and Gram Panchayat resolution
    5. Selection of works under this scheme will be done through the District Planning Committee.
    6. 7/12 extract or sample 8 extract of the site where the construction is to be done
    7. Certificate of approval that the work presented is not proposed or approved from any other scheme
    8. Site map of the proposed site
    9. Proposal with recommendation of the Group Development Officer Gram Panchayat Department ZP. To be submitted to Nashik.
    3 Providing special grant to big Gram Panchayats for urban amenities Special grant to big Gram Panchayats for urban amenities Under this scheme, market development, public lighting facilities, creation of gardens, parks, study centers, construction of roads within the village and construction of underground drains for sewage management
    1. In the Environmentally Balanced Prosperous Village Scheme, the plans of eligible Gram Panchayats with a population of above 5000 as per the 2011 census should be prepared by a government approved institution.
    2. Technical approval should be obtained through the competent authority.
    3. Budget and plans and maps
    4. Maintenance/repair/Gram Panchayat guarantee letter and Gram Panchayat resolution
    5. The District Planning Board will have the right to decide the priority order of the Gram Panchayats in the district. The District Planning Board will decide the priority order only from the Gram Panchayats whose population is above 5000 and whose Gram Panchayats have participated in the Environmentally Balanced and Prosperous Village Scheme and fulfilled the criteria of that scheme.
    6. 7/12 extract of the site where the construction is to be done or sample 8 extract of the site
    7. Certificate of approval that the work presented is not proposed or approved from any other scheme
    8. Site map of the proposed site
    9. Proposal with recommendation of the Group Development Officer, Gram Panchayat Division, ZP. To be submitted to Nashik.
    4 Providing roads, sewers and other basic facilities in rural areas suggested by the Hon’ble People’s Representative Basic Facilities Under the scheme, improvement of roads, sewers, rainwater drainage, cremation grounds and burial grounds, construction of protective walls, Gram Panchayat office, facilities for weekly markets, facilities for garbage depots and primary processing in villages, planting trees in public spaces and their protection
    1. Technical approval should be obtained through the competent authority.
    2. Budget and plans and maps
    3. Maintenance/repair/Gram Panchayat guarantee letter and Gram Panchayat resolution
    4. 7/12 extract or sample 8 extract of the site where the construction is to be done
    5. Certificate of approval that the proposed work is not proposed or approved from another scheme
    6. Recommendation letter from the people’s representative regarding the proposal of work under this scheme
    7. Site map of the proposed site
    8. The said proposal should be submitted to the government.
    5 Gram Panchayat under Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Empowerment Mission (RGPSA) Construction of Office Under the Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Empowerment Mission, a grant of up to Rs. 12.00 lakh is provided for the construction of a Gram Panchayat office building in places where there is no Gram Panchayat office, with a central share of 75% and a state share of 25%.
    1. Technical approval should be obtained through the competent authority.
    2. Estimate and plans and maps
    3. Maintenance/repair/Gram Panchayat guarantee letter and Gram Panchayat resolution
    4. 7/12 extract or sample 8 extract of the site where construction is to be done
    5. Certificate of approval that the work presented is not proposed or approved from another scheme
    6. Site map of the proposed site
    7. Proposal with recommendation of the Group Development Officer Gram Panchayat Department ZP. To be submitted to Nashik.

    Environmentally Balanced Prosperous Village Scheme

    1. Government of Maharashtra, Rural Development and Water Conservation Department, Government Decision No. VPM/2610/ Pr.No.1 /Para-4
      Ministry dated 18 August 2010
    2. Government of Maharashtra, Rural Development and Water Conservation Department, Government Decision No. VPM/2614/ Pr.No.34 /Para-4
      Ministry dated 13 June, 2014

    Objective of the Scheme

    1. This is a program of high quality basic facilities with good government cooperation through public participation. Conservation, preservation and protection of the environment, coordination of various schemes of the state government, creation of facilities in rural areas like urban areas, etc. This is the purpose of this scheme.

    This is a very important scheme and everyone needs to participate in it.

    Important selection criteria under the Eco-Balanced Prosperous Village Scheme
    A.Kr Criteria First year Second year Third year
    1 Tree plantation Guarantee to plant at least 50% of the population It is necessary to plant the remaining 50% of the trees and to plant 75% of the population It is necessary to plant as many trees as the population (100%)
    2 Nirmal Gram At least 60% open defecation free 75% open defecation free 100% open defecation free
    3 Tax collection 60% with arrears 80% with arrears 90% with arrears
    4 Pollution Ban on plastic bags less than 50 microns thick, pollution-free solution for immersion of idols during festivals Plastic bags less than 50 microns thick Disposal of bags using modern technology To discourage the public from using plastic bags less than 50 microns thick and to dispose of such bags using modern technology
    5 Sant Gadge Baba Gram Swachhta Abhiyan Effective implementation guaranteed At least 50% marks in inspection at Zilla Parishad constituency level or above At least 60% marks in inspection at Zilla Parishad constituency level or above
    6 Yashwant Panchayat Raj Abhiyan Effective implementation guaranteed At least 50% marks in inspection at Zilla Parishad constituency level or above Scores Minimum 60% marks in the Zilla Parishad constituency level or above inspection
    7 Non-conventional energy At least 50% street lights (solar/CFL/LED,) At least 1% households have biogas At least 100% street lights (solar/CFL/LED,) At least 25% households have biogas, 10% households have solar/CFL/LED
    8 Solid waste management 100% waste collection, at least 50% waste is composted or Landfill disposal 100% scientific collection and management of solid waste and 100% management of wastewater
    9 Sewage Management 50% Arrangement 75% Arrangement
    10 E-Panchayat To collect information in all computer databases including e-Panchayat, Sangram, Awas Software and Model Accounting System of the Central Government To collect information in all computer databases including e-Panchayat, Sangram, Awas Software and Model Accounting System of the Central Government as well as to collect information in Gram Panchayat. Distribution of certificates of types 1 to 19 to be distributed through Gram Suvidha Kendras
    11 Development works All development works approved in the previous year (including completion of Indira Awas Gharkul)
    Gram Panchayats working as per the criteria will be provided with funds as per the performance continuity in the first 3 years as follows
    A.Kr Population Total amount First year Second year Third year
    1 More than 10000 Rs. 30 lakhs Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 10 lakhs
    2 7001 to 10000 Rs. 24 lakhs Rs. 8 lakhs Rs. 8 lakhs Rs. 8 lakhs
    3 5001 to 7000 Rs. 15 lakhs Rs. 5 lakhs Rs. 5 lakhs Rs. 5 lakhs
    4 2001 to 5000 Rs. 12 lakhs Rs. 4 lakhs Rs. 4 lakhs Rs. 4 lakhs
    5 1001 to 2000 Rs. 9 lakhs Rs. 3 lakhs Rs. 3 lakhs Rs. 3 lakhs
    6 Up to 1000 Rs. 6 lakhs Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 2 lakh


    Participating Gram Panchayats located at Taluka Headquarters with a population of more than 10000 – Rs. 36 lakhs each (12 lakhs per year)
    Gram Panchayat Division, Zilla Parishad, Nashik Officers/Employees Diagram
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer (GRAP) Class-I Officer

    Maharashtra Government – Rural Development Department combat project

    Briefly about e-Panchayat (SANGRAM – Computerized Rural Maharashtra) Project

    • Under the National Government Programme of India Building Programme, EPRI/ePanchayat is being undertaken as a mission mode project to computerize all Panchayat Raj institutions and bring uniformity and transparency in their administration.The Sangram project is being implemented to computerize all Panchayat Raj institutions in Maharashtra (Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti, Gram Panchayat) and make their administration online.
    • MahaOnline Limited, a government of Maharashtra, and TCS, a state government-owned company, have been appointed for the implementation of the project.
    • In Maharashtra, this project is being implemented under the name of Sangram (Computerized Rural Maharashtra).
    • As per the government decision guidelines, the implementation of the e-Panchayat project was launched on 26th and 30th April 2011. On 01st May 2021, the e-Panchayat project was launched at Kalamboli district, Raigad.

    The objective of the e-Panchayat (Sangram – Computerized Rural Maharashtra) project is

    • To make the administration of all Panchayat Raj institutions online.
    • To create a database of all Panchayat Raj institutions.
    • To fill in the information in the 11 orders in the e-Panchayat suite.
    • To provide computer training through Gram Seva Kendras in villages.
    • To empower technical manpower in rural areas.
    • To provide business facilities in rural areas through computer systems.
    • To establish Gram Seva Kendras in all Gram Panchayats in the state and make various facilities and certificates available to the citizens in their residential areas.
    • To improve the quality of all facilities provided to the citizens in rural areas through coordination of this project.

    NIC (National Information Centre) 11 ManualsUnder this project, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj – New Delhi has developed 11 types of manuals related to the administration of Panchayati Raj institutions with the help of the National Information Centre (NIC).Sangram Soft Operating System about Sangram Soft Operating System/Programming Considering the use of computers in all fields, this operating system (software) “SangramSoft” has been developed keeping in mind the needs and importance of Gram Panchayat.It is a complete computerized operating system for the basic operations of Gram Panchayat prepared under the guidance of Maharashtra Gram Panchayat Act 1958.
    Benefits of Sangramsoft: The system is also useful for keeping the entire work of the Gram Panchayat running smoothly and uninterruptedly.With the use of this system, all the financial transactions of the Gram Panchayat are completed accurately and on time.All types of records and other daily activities in the Gram Panchayat are digitized and systematic.
    The computerized information is easy to find and available in a short time.The changes and corrections made from time to time are recorded and information is collected in detail.
    Online and Offline Version is AvailableGramseva Kendra ( GSK ) Certificates provided by Sangram Kendra Facility Service Rate (Rs. 20/-) Below Poverty Line Certificate (Free) 13Certificate of not availing any schemeFinancial Inclusion – A Successful Journey .

    • What is Financial Inclusion?
    • Financial inclusion is a facility or a process through which we can provide all the facilities of the bank to the people of the village through the bank representative.Which mainly includes opening an account at zero rupees and distributing all the subsidies coming from the government etc.
    • Main objectives of financial inclusion
    • To provide banking services to the people deprived of bank services in urban or rural areas of India through financial inclusion.
    • The main objective of financial inclusion is to provide banking services to the general public.
    • Banking literacy, micro savings, credit, insurance and easy financial transactions are the five pillars of financial inclusion.
    • To free the borrowers in the village from the loans of private moneylenders.
    • Withdrawal of account in zero rupees.
    • Use of high-quality information technology system.
    • Benefits of various schemes provided by the government.
    • To get scholarships for various types of students etc.
    • Benefits of bank representative
    • The bank representative will be the one who will provide information to the people of the village about all the services of the bank.
    • He will open maximum savings accounts for the people of the village and will empower them financially
    • Opening accounts for all people in the village above the age of 14.
    • The bank representative will be paid a fee for each bank transaction.
    • The bank representative will provide bank services through the latest biometric technology.
    • Equipment required for bank services
    • Computer, printer, webcam, biometric machine, internet etc.
    • The goal is economic progress through economic adjustment
    • The sole objective behind this is to provide bank services to the people at the bottom of the society through economic adjustment, as well as to provide them with timely financial assistance and to enable them to take advantage of the schemes provided by the government from time to time.
    • Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCO) Class-1 Officer
    • Junior Administrative Officer Class-3 Officer
    • Senior Assistant
    • Senior Assistant
    • Senior Assistant
    • Senior Assistant
    • Junior Assistant
    • Junior Assistant
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer (GRAP) Class-I Officer

    No Order Objective
    1 Local Government Directory
    1. To provide unique codes to all Panchayati Raj Institutions and use them for the attached order
    2. Assembly Constituency Mapping
    2 Area Profiler
    User Id: NASHIK
    Password: Nashik@123
    1. To provide geographical area, social, economic, physical, amenities and people’s representatives in the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution Information
    2. Family registration management at the Gram Panchayat level
    3. Elections and information of elected representatives at all Panchayat levels
    3 PlanPlus Ajanavali
    User Id: PP-NASHIK
    Password: 7U5U75CL5
    1. Planning of decentralized facilities in local language
    2. Fund mobilization
    3. Adequate utilization and control of funds
    4 Priyasoft Ajanavali
    User Id: PR-NASHIK-ADM
    Password: nashik@2015
    1. For Online Accounts/Deposits of Sarvagram Panchayats, Panchayat Committees and District Councils
    5 Action Soft Order
    User Id: NASHIK
    Password: Nashik@123
    1.Implementation and monitoring of all types of schemes implemented by the Panchayati Raj Institution.
    2. Proper use of funds
    3. Physical and financial progress review of the work
    6 National Asset Directory Order
    User Id: NASHIK
    Password: Nashik@123
    1. Identification and management of all immovable and movable assets owned and controlled by Panchayat Raj Institutions.
    7 ServicePlus Order
    1. Providing all kinds of services (certificates/documents) to the citizens by the government
    8 Training Order
    User Id: NASHIK
    Password: Nashik@123
    1. Training method schedule and its review
    2. Training institutions and individuals
    3. Training and reading material and online repository
    9 National Panchayat Portal
    Used Id & Password : Individual
    GP,PS,ZP Level
    1. Website of all Panchayati Raj Institutions and related information
    2. Management of comprehensive base material on Panchayat Portal
    3. Information on geography, demographics, voting, elected members etc. in Panchayat Portal
    10 Social Audit
    User Id: NASHIK
    Password: Nashik@123
    1. Approval of all development schemes and expenditure of these schemes by Gram Sabha and control over them by Gram Sabha.
    2.Management of Panchayat Level Meetings
    11 Geographical Information System (Basic GIS System) 1.Complete map and planning of all Panchayati Raj Institutions
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer (GRAP) Class-I Officer
    Ans. Services (Services) Ans. Services
    1 Birth Registration and Certificate 11 Unemployment Certificate
    2 Death Registration and Certificate 12 No Objection Certificate for Electricity Connection
    4 Resident ID and Certificate 14 Toilet Certificate
    5 Life Certificate (Free) 15 Job Card
    6 Marriage certificate 16 Construction permit
    7 No Objection Certificate for Employment and Business 17 Permission Certificate for Pipe Connection
    8 Property Assessment Certificate 18 Character Certificate
    9 Property Change Certificate / Copy 19 Age Certificate for Niradhar Yojana (Free)
    10 Non-Payment Certificate