District Rural Development (DRDA)
Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Upliftment Mission (MSRLM)
MSRLM – Progress Information
- Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Upliftment Mission under National Rural Livelihoods Upliftment Mission
The Government has received a decision regarding the implementation of the scheme due to the conversion of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) into National Rural Livelihoods Upliftment Mission (NRLM). (The said Government Decision has been sent to all the concerned departments as per letter No. 1450 dated 3-7-2012)
Objective of the Campaign
- No new groups and new associations can be formed under the National Rural Livelihoods Upliftment Mission except in the semi-intensive area until further notice.
- Special attention will be given to strengthening the existing groups.
- Revolving Fund will be distributed to all the groups to which Revolving Fund (RF) has not been provided.
- No new work should be undertaken/approved/work that has been approved but not started should also not be started under basic facilities. Since SGSY scheme has been converted into NRLM scheme from 01/04/2012, as per the guidelines received from the government, Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Improvement Mission is to be implemented in the district in the form of semi-intensive and non-intensive campaigns..
- No new groups should be established in Non-Intensive, except for Semi-intensive.
- The groups established so far have been divided into three sections –
- Active groups
- Irregular groups
- Closed groups.
- Capacity building and training of the system.
- Building and training the capacity of the group
- Linking self-help groups with banks by providing loans.
- Revolving funds and bank credit.
- Revolving funds and bank credit.
- Micro-industry creation at cluster level.
- Infrastructure and marketing..
- Skills and employment creation.
Semi-intensive method
- Area selection for the methodology – Selection of Gram Panchayats for the implementation of the campaign on a limited basis in a semi-intensive manner.
- Organizing village entry programs.
- To get information about organizations for the poor.
- Determining the poor through public participation.
- Selecting community resource persons and building their capacity.
- Bank Mitra:- Taluka Coordinators will select women from the group who have the potential to become Bank Mitra while collecting information about the village groups.
- Building the capacity of the implementation mechanism.
Non-intensive methods
Apart from the Gram Panchayats in the selected ganas under Semi Intensive, the campaign is being implemented in the remaining Gram Panchayats under Non Intensive mode of operation. No new Self Help Groups or their associations can be formed in the Non Intensive mode of operation area.
- The Extension Officers (Community Organization and Capacity Building, Livelihoods & Bank Linkage) working in the Taluka have been given equal responsibility for all the remaining Gram Panchayats except the Gram Panchayats selected under Sami Intensive..
- To guide regular/irregular and closed groups. Also, work with the help of NGOs/motivators/associates/collaborators or other organizations currently working in the non-intensive field of work.
Indira Awas Yojana (IAY)
Campaign format/information
Shelter is one of the basic needs of a human being for survival. Having a house of one’s own provides financial security and status in the society. A house makes a big difference in the life of a destitute person socially. It gives him an identity and thus helps him to blend in with the social environment around him.
As per the announcement made by the Government in June 1985, a part of the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme funds was reserved for the construction of houses for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and free labourers. As a result, Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) was launched in 1985-86 as a sub-scheme of the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme. Thereafter, Indira Awas Yojana continued as a sub-scheme of the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana since its launch in April 1989. 6 percent of the total funds of the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana were allocated for the implementation of Indira Awas Yojana. From the year 1993-94, the scope of Indira Awas Yojana was extended to include non-SC/ST families below the poverty line in rural areas. At the same time, the allocation of funds for implementing the scheme was increased from 6% to 10% of the total available resources under Jawahar Rozgar Yojana at the national level, subject to the condition that the amount of benefit to the poor persons belonging to non-SC/ST should not exceed 4% of the total allocation under Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. Indira Awas Yojana has now been separated from Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. And it has been created as a separate scheme from 1st January 1996.
Objectives of the Scheme:-
The scheme aims to provide assistance to the members of Scheduled Castes/Tribes, free labourers and poor persons belonging to Non-Scheduled Castes/Tribes below the poverty line in rural areas for the construction of their houses by providing subsidy. This is the basic objective of Indira Awas Yojana.
Necessary condition to avail the benefit of the scheme:
- It is mandatory for the beneficiary to be below the poverty line.
- As per the government decision dated 9 April 2009, the beneficiary must be in the waiting list selected by the Gram Sabha.
- The beneficiary must be homeless or have a mud house.
Subsidy and construction area for housing
- The price of the house has been fixed at Rs. 1,00,000/-.
- The area of the house must be at least 269 sq. ft.
- It is mandatory for the beneficiary to construct the house himself.
The following grants are available to the beneficiary:
- Center 75% Rs. 75,000/-
- State 25% Rs. 25,000/-
- State Additional Share Rs. 25,000/-
- Beneficiary share Rs.05,000/-
- First installment after line out Rs. 35,000/-
- Second installment after first installment is spent
As per the joint inspection assessment of Gram Sevak/Sarpanch or Gram Panchayat member
Rs. 35,000/- - Third installment as per the final assessment certificate of Deputy Engineer
(E & R)
Rs. 25,000/- - Beneficiary share in the form of Shramdan or cash Rs. 15,000/-
- Cost of construction of each house – Rs. 1,00,000/-
- Beneficiary’s own share – Rs. 10,000/-
- Funds available in the form of loan from banks – Rs. 90,000/-
- The beneficiaries whose annual family income does not exceed Rs. 96,000/- must have their own land or land provided by the Government/Gram Panchayat for the construction of the house.
- The beneficiaries who are willing to pay an initial contribution of Rs. 10,000/- should apply to the Gram Panchayat.
- In case the land proposed for the house is unencumbered, a certificate of authority not below the rank of Tehsildar is required.
- In case his annual income does not exceed Rs. 96,000/-, a certificate of a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar is required.
- 31 The selected beneficiary has to pay a self-contribution of Rs. 10,000/- must be opened in a nationalized bank with the adopted village and deposited in it.
- Must not have benefited from any other scheme related to house construction of the Central and State Government.
- Preference will be given to families affected by natural calamities, disabled persons, divorcees, ex-servicemen and war veterans, if they are below the poverty line.
- The construction of this house requires the construction of a house of 269 sq. ft. carpet area. It will include a multipurpose room and a toilet and provision for it must be constructed outside the house on one side of the plot.
- While constructing the house, if it is an earthquake-prone area, it is necessary to use earthquake-resistant technology.
- Under this scheme, the cases received by the Gram Panchayat are kept in the Gram Sabha and 31 interested and necessary beneficiaries are selected.
- The list of eligible beneficiaries selected by the Gram Sabha along with all the necessary documents is sent to the Panchayat Samiti for further action.
- At the Panchayat Samiti level, the said proposals are examined as per the government norms and submitted to the Project Director, District Rural Development Office, Nanded.
- The Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, District Rural Development Office, Nanded. After receiving administrative approval from Nanded, proposals are submitted to the nationalized bank operating in the jurisdiction of the village where the eligible application is proposed for sanction of loan cases.
- After receiving the loan cases received by the banks, the case is approved after taking the Search Report.
- In this scheme, Rs. 10,000/- will be provided to the beneficiary as self-contribution/labor contribution and Rs. 90,000/- as bank loan, totaling Rs. 1,00,000/- lakh.
- The eligible beneficiary’s village is under the jurisdiction of the nationalized bank. Open an account in that bank and deposit Rs. 10,000/- in his own account.
- Rs. 10,000/- through the bank. 90,000/- Guarantee for payment of interest on loan amount is obtained from the concerned Housing Development Area Board, Chief Officer through the Government (Housing) Department. Loans up to Rs. 90,000/- are provided to the concerned beneficiaries from the leading bank in the district and from the nationalized bank for construction of houses.
- The new house constructed in this way will remain as collateral with the bank. Loan recovery will be in coordination with the concerned Zilla Parishad and the concerned bank.
- The beneficiary of this scheme has to construct a house of at least 269 sq. ft. carpet area on his own land or on the land provided to him by the Government/Gram Panchayat.
- The beneficiaries whose loan cases are approved by the bank under this scheme will pay the loan in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, installments in coordination with the bank for repayment of the loan.
Total Rs. 1,00,000/-
Once the beneficiary is approved for housing, it is mandatory to open a bank account first. The beneficiary subsidy is paid through a bank check.
Grants received by beneficiaries
A grant of Rs. 12,000/- is being given to the beneficiary as an incentive under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan for constructing a toilet in the house by the beneficiary.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 60 percent Central Government and 40 percent State Government
The primary objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Caste/Tribe persons and free vagrants and other poor, homeless/unbuilt persons in rural areas for construction of houses.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural, 3 percent reservation has been made for eligible disabled persons. Also, 15 percent reservation has been made for minorities.
Nature of benefit
Rural Development Department, Government Decision No. PMYG2016/Pr.No.233/Yojana 10 dated 14th October 2016, the Central and State Governments have fixed the cost of the house as Rs.1,20,000/- for normal areas and Rs.1,30,000/- for Naxal affected and hilly areas. The Sadachanidhi will be in the ratio of 60:40 and will be disbursed directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries through the PFMS (Public Financial Management System) system.
Beneficiary selection criteria
Personal benefit plan
Beneficiary selection under this scheme is done in order of priority from the permanently prepared waiting list of Scheduled Caste/Tribe and Non-Scheduled Caste/Tribe beneficiaries qualified by the Gram Sabha from the Generated Priority List of SECC 2011. Under this scheme, the Central Government fixes a target number of houses per district in proportion to the population/number of homeless families per year. This target is distributed to the talukas in proportion to the population of the talukas. Also, the target is distributed to the Gram Panchayats under the taluka in proportion to the available beneficiaries in the category-wise social, economic and caste survey priority list (Generated Priority List).
Who should I contact to avail the benefits of the scheme?.
Gram Panchayat, Gram Sevak
Panchayat Committee, Group Development Officer
District Project Director, District Rural Development Agency
Ramai Awas Yojana
Ramai Awas Yojana – Information about the year-wise progress of this housing scheme.
Objectives of Ramai Housing Scheme
The primary objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to poor people belonging to Scheduled Castes below the poverty line in rural areas for construction of houses.
Nature of benefit
Under this scheme, a subsidy of Rs. 70,000 is provided for the construction of houses under the Social Justice and Special Assistance Department Government Memorandum No. R.I.O/2014 Pr.No.10/Bandhakame dated 18 July 2014. But as per the above government decision, from 1 April 2013, a subsidy of Rs. 70,000/- to Rs. 1,00,000/- is provided for the construction of houses.
Scheme criteria
To get the benefit of a house under this scheme, the beneficiary must be included in the permanent waiting list approved by the Gram Sabha of beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes eligible for a house under the Indira Awas Yojana within 21 points of the Poverty Line Family Census 2002-2007.
How is the scheme implemented?
As per the Government Decision No. Inio-2010/Pr.No.34/Yojana 10 dated 9 April 2010 and as per the instructions given under the supplementary letter No. Inio.2010/Pr.No.34/Yojana-10 dated 12 December 2011 of the Ministry of Rural Development and Water Conservation, Mumbai 400032, all the Gram Panchayats in the first district have been listed in ascending order according to the number of beneficiaries remaining in the permanent waiting list under the taluka-wise Indira Awas Yojana. That is, the Gram Panchayat in the taluka in which the least number of families without shelter remain in the permanent waiting list as on 01/04/2010 is the Gram Panchayat first and then the list of Gram Panchayats has been prepared in ascending order. Accordingly, in accordance with the objectives achieved, starting from the first numbered Gram Panchayat in the list prepared in ascending order of all Gram Panchayats in the taluka, the houses are sanctioned to all the Scheduled Caste beneficiaries in each of the villages till the houses are provided according to the objectives achieved. As above, the villages are selected at the District Rural Development Agency level. After that, the list of selected villages is sent to the Panchayat Samiti level for beneficiary approval. Administrative approval is given to the list of beneficiaries at the Panchayat Samiti level. After giving administrative approval to the beneficiaries at the Panchayat Samiti level, the first installment of Rs. 25,000/- is deposited in the account of the beneficiaries from the Panchayat Samiti level. After that, the second installment of Rs. 25,000/- and the third installment of Rs. 20,000/- is distributed to the beneficiary through a crossed cheque from the Panchayat Samiti level according to the progress of the house.
Similarly, due to the increase in the subsidy price of the Ramai Awas Yojana for houses sanctioned after April 1, 2013, the first installment of Rs. 35000/-, the second installment of Rs. 35000/- and the third installment of Rs. 25000/- are being distributed to the beneficiaries through crossed cheques from the Panchayat Samiti level.
Eligible Beneficiaries
The names of the beneficiaries must be included in the permanent waiting list of the Indira Awas Yojana approved by the Gram Sabha for beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes/Tribes eligible for housing from the list of BPL census 2002-2007.
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Shelter Scheme No. 1
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Shelter Scheme No. 1 – Year-wise progress information of the scheme
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Shelter Scheme No. 1
The primary objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the poor people of Scheduled Castes below the poverty line in rural areas for construction of houses.
Nature of Benefit
Under this scheme, a subsidy of Rs. 68,500/- will be provided under the Maharashtra State Housing Department for construction of houses
As per the Government Decision No. Raganyo/2013/Pr.Kr.330/Grunidho-1 dated 22 August 2014, the subsidy price of houses has been increased to Rs. 95,000/-.
Scheme Criteria
Individual Benefit Scheme:-
The selection of beneficiaries under this scheme is done in the order of priority of the coefficient from the waiting list prepared permanently for the eligible SC/ST and non-SC/ST beneficiaries for housing based on the Poverty Line Household Census 2002-2007.
Under this scheme, the Central Government fixes the target number of housing units for each district every year in proportion to the number of people below the poverty line/homeless families. This target is distributed to the Gram Panchayats according to the number of people below the poverty line/homeless families.
How is the scheme implemented?
As per the Government Decision No. Inio-2010/Prakr34/Yojana-10 dated 9th April 2010 and as per the supplementary letter No. Inio.2010/Prakr.34/Yojana-10 dated 12th December 2011 of Rural Development and Water Resources Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai 400032, all the Gram Panchayats in the first district have been listed in ascending order according to the number of beneficiaries remaining in the permanent waiting list under the Indira Awas Yojana under the Taluka-wise Indira Awas Yojana. That is, the Gram Panchayat in the Taluka in which the least number of families without shelter are left in the permanent waiting list as on 01/01/2010 is at number one and then the list of Gram Panchayats has been prepared in ascending order. As per the guidelines of Indira Awas Yojana, 60% of the total target has been met. It is necessary to sanction houses to the caste/tribe, 15% minority beneficiaries. Accordingly, starting from the first numbered Gram Panchayat in the list prepared in ascending order of all the Gram Panchayats in the taluka, houses are sanctioned to all the Scheduled Caste/Tribe beneficiaries in each of the villages until the houses are provided according to the objectives achieved. Similarly, starting from the first village, houses are sanctioned to all the minority beneficiaries. Then starting from the first Gram Panchayat, houses are sanctioned to the non-Scheduled Caste/Tribe beneficiaries. As above, the villages are selected at the District Rural Development Agency level. After that, the list of selected villages is sent to the Panchayat Samiti level for beneficiary approval. Administrative approval is given to the list of beneficiaries at the Panchayat Samiti level. After administrative approval is given to the beneficiaries at the Panchayat Samiti level, the first installment of Rs. 25,000/- is deposited in the account of the beneficiaries from the Panchayat Samiti level. After that, the second installment of Rs. 25,000/- and the third installment of Rs. 18,500/- are distributed to the beneficiary through a crossed cheque from the Panchayat Samiti level as per the progress of the house.
Eligible Beneficiaries
The name of the beneficiary must be included in the permanent waiting list of the Indira Awas Yojana approved by the Gram Sabha for beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Non-Scheduled Tribes eligible for housing from the list of beneficiaries below the poverty line for the years 2002-2007.
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Scheme No. 2
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Scheme No. 2 – Information on the progress of the scheme year-wise
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Scheme No. 2 (Revised)
Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Scheme No. 2 (Revised) is a state government sponsored scheme and under this scheme, Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Scheme No. 2 (Revised) is being implemented for the families below the poverty line but in the low income group in rural areas. 2 (Amended) has been implemented in the State of Maharashtra vide Government Decision No., Nidhho-2008/Prakr-92/Nidhi-1 dated 27/08/2008.
Scheme Structure
Terms and Conditions
After the construction of this house is completed, no one other than the beneficiary family will be able to live there. Also, this flat cannot be sold to any other person for 10 years.
Method of work
Grants and Benefits