
    Agriculture Department

    National Biogas and Fertilizer Management Programme

    Agricultural Awards given by the Government of Maharashtra
    A.No. Name of Award Eligibility for Selection Method of Submission of Proposal Selection Committee
    1 Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Ratna This award is generally given to a person/organization with 20-25 years of experience in agriculture. The proposal is submitted to the M.Commissioner (Agriculture) Pune through the Kadun Vikrisam of the Agricultural Development Officer, District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer. District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agricultural Development Officer.
    2 Vansatrao Naik Krishi Bhushan
    1. Award is given to the organization and farmer who has done remarkable work in the field of agriculture.
    2. . Krishi Bhushan Award is given to the farmer who has received the Agriculture Dedication Award
    3. . 5 years should have passed since the previous agricultural award was given.
    Proposal is submitted to the M.Commissioner (Agriculture) Pune through the Agricultural Development Officer, District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer. District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agricultural Development Officer.
    3 Jijamata Krishi Bhushan
    1. . Awarded to a woman farmer who has done remarkable work in the field of agriculture.
    2. . 5 years should have passed since the previous agricultural award was given.
    Proposal is submitted to the M.Commissioner (Agriculture) Pune through the Agricultural Development Officer, District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agricultural Development Officer. District Superintendent Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agricultural Development Officer.
    4 Udyan Pandit Award This award is given to farmers and research institutes who have done remarkable work in the field of horticulture. The proposal is submitted to the M.Commissioner (Agriculture) Pune through the District Superintendent of Agriculture Officer.
    5 Vansatrao Naik Dedicated Farmer This award is given to farmers who have worked in the agricultural sector for at least 3 years. Taluka level selection committee-Chairman Panchayat Samiti, Mandal Agriculture Officer, Office of the Agriculture Department, Livestock Officer, Pt. Samiti, Agriculture Officer, Pt. Samiti and Taluka Agriculture Officer. District Level Committee-District Superintendent Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agriculture Development Officer, General Manager Marketing Board
    6 Vasantrao Naik Sheti Mitra Award
    1. . This award is given to a person or organization who has made a special contribution to the field of agriculture without being a farmer himself.
    2. . At least 10 years of experience in agriculture or allied fields
    The proposal is submitted to the M.Commissioner (Agriculture) Pune through the Agricultural Development Officer, District Superintendent Agriculture Officer, Project Director Atma, Agriculture Development Officer. District Superintendent Agriculture Officer, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Project Director Atma, Agriculture Development Officer.
    7 Pick Competition-

    1. . 10 competitors in general category
    2. . competitors in tribal category (taluka level, district level, state level)
    3. . Prize amount-P.S. level first prize Rs.2500/-, second prize Rs.1500/-, third prize Rs.1000/-
    4. . District level-first prize Rs.5000/-, second prize Rs.3000/-, third prize Rs.2000/-
    5. . State level–first prize Rs.10000/-, second prize Rs.7000/-, third prize Rs.5000/-
    1. . Must be an accountant
    2. . Pay application fee for the competition Required.
    3. . Taluka level 20/- For tribal contestants Rs.10/-
    4. . District level 20 to 40
    5. . State level 30 to 606. For the competition, 10 farmers for the general group and 05 farmers for the tribal group.
    District and state level crop competition applications are received and submitted from the group level. Taluka level Chairman/Group Development Officer, District level President Zilla Parishad, Agricultural Development Officer Chief Executive Officer, State level Commissioner level.
    A.No. Name of the Scheme Nature of the Scheme / Information Terms, Conditions and Eligibility for Participation in the Scheme
    1 Tribal Scheme (TSP) under Tribal Sub-Plan Area
    1. . Land improvement Rs. 40,000/- Grant limit
    2. . Inputs Rs. 5,000/- Grant limit
    3. . Improved agricultural implements Rs. 10,000/- Grant limit
    4. . Bullock cart Rs. 30,000/- Grant limit
    5. . Bullock cart Rs. 15,000/- Grant limit
    6. . Old well repair Rs. 30,000/- Grant
    7. . Inwell boring Rs. 20,000/- Grant limit
    8. . Pipeline Rs. 20,000/- Grant limit
    9. . Pumping station Rs. 20,000/- Grant limit
    10. . New well Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 100,000 Grant
    11. . Farm ponds Rs. 35,000/- Grant limit
    12. . Backyard Rs. 200 Grant Limit
      Per Beneficiary
    13. . Tushar Drip Irrigation Set Rs. 25000/- Grant
    1. . Land holding- There should be 6.00 hectares or less of agricultural land in one’s name. Land ownership certificate should be obtained in 7/12 and 8-A.
    2. . Caste certificate- The beneficiary should be a tribal farmer. A document signed by the Gram Sevak/Talathi/Group Development Officer is valid for the tribal farmer whose name is in the list below the poverty line.
    3. . Income certificate- The benefit is given to the beneficiary farmers whose total income from all sources is up to Rs. 25,000/-.
    2 Tribal Scheme Outside Tribal Sub-Plan Area (OTSP)

    Objective of the scheme:- To provide financial assistance to tribal farmers in the tribal sub-plan area below the poverty line and outside the tribal sub-plan area in the state of Maharashtra for land improvement and increase their farm income.

    Objective :- To increase the production of Scheduled Caste and Newly Buddhist farmers and to uplift them economically.

    Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) Year 2015-2016
    S.No. Name of the Scheme Nature of the Scheme / Information Terms, Conditions and Eligibility for Participation in the Scheme
    1 Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCP) (Special Component Scheme)
    1. Land Improvement Rs. 40,000/- Grant Limit
    2. Inputs Rs. 5,000/- Grant Limit
    3. Improved Farming Tools Rs. 10,000/- Grant
    4. Bullock Pair Rs. 30,000/- Grant Limit
    5. Bullock Cart Rs. 15,000/- Grant Limit
    6. Old Well Repair Rs. 30,000/- Grant
    7. Inwell Boring Rs. 20,000/- Grant
    8. Pipeline Rs. 20,000/- Grant Limit
    9. Pump Set Rs. 20,000/- Grant Limit
    10. New Well Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1,00,000/-
      Grant Limit
    11. Farm ponds Rs. 35,000/- Grant Limit
    12. Backyard Rs. 200 Grant Limit
      Per beneficiary
    13. Tushar Drip Irrigation Set Rs. 25,000/-
      Grant Limit
    14. Tarpaulin Rs. 10,000/- Grant Limit

    For new wells, a grant of up to Rs. 100,000/- is payable.
    For beneficiaries who take advantage of other components other than wells, a grant limit of Rs. 50000/-
    is available.
    100% subsidy is payable for each item.

    1. Land holding – Should have 6.00 hectares or less of agricultural land in one’s name. Land holding certificate is required in 7/12 and 8-A
    2. Caste certificate – The beneficiary should be a Scheduled Caste / Neo-Buddhist farmer. Documents signed by Gram Sevak / Talathi / Group Development Officer will be accepted for the Scheduled Caste / Neo-Buddhist person whose name is in the list below the poverty line.
    3. Income certificate – The benefit is given to the beneficiary farmers whose financial income from all sources is up to Rs. 50,000/-.

    For more information regarding the scheme, contact the Agricultural Officer (Vighyo) in the Panchayat Samiti at the Taluka level.